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Obsolete Automotive

Since its start in 1979, and still today, Obsolete Automotive is a company run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. Our customers drive and maintain vehicles that reflect golden days of British motoring and sports cars, and many of these dedicated individuals have been our customers for decades.

Obsolete Automotive commitment to our customers and their cars runs deep. We make substantial investments into quality and support for the parts we provide. We are the most trusted name in classic British car parts not because we are the biggest; rather, it is due to the knowledge and character of our staff, Salespeople and Technical Support team.

At Obsolete Automotive we work to provide you with the best parts and service at competitive prices. When you partner with Obsolete Automotive for the restoration or upkeep of your vehicle, you are assured of reliable, accurate and helpful assistance every step of the way. Obsolete Automotive is headquartered in beautiful Historical Point Edward Ontario Canada and welcome visitors—we love to meet our customers in person!—and we invite British car clubs to schedule tours of our facility as well.