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Customer support

Obsolete automotive strive follow a guide line to provide comprehensive customer care and resolution each customer.

Following guide line in practice and can be changed without any notice.

  • Product / Service Overview: Provide an overview of the product(s)/service(s) your company offers. You can also add links to other documents, demo videos, and brochures that can be reviewed by customer service employees.
  • Standards of Customer Service: Take time to define what your company’s standards of customer service are. Add values and traits that are important to your organization.‍ Sharing company values is an integral part of helping customer service representatives understand what’s an important part of their delivery and response to customer queries.

‍Our staff is trained under below guide lines

  • Communication: Cover how to understand the problem, identify the cause, propose a solution and solve the problem.
  • Follow Up: Explain the follow-up process and how to ensure customer success and happiness.
  • Complaints: Provide examples of how to deal with complaints. Provide advice on how to deal with different customer temperaments and tips on how to maintain professionalism at all times.
  • Retention: It is anywhere from 5 to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep a current one. It’s important that you walk your team through the importance of retention and provide guidance and examples of how to ensure you retain customers and make them happy.
  • Gathering Feedback & Suggestions: Explain the importance of gathering feedback and suggestions. Have your employees share customer feedback with the team. Provide Google Forms, Type form, etc., and have employees submit customer suggestions via the form.
  • Monitoring Performance: Let employees know how their performance will be monitored and what types of expectations you have in place for employees to achieve. company has its own metrics they use to evaluate customer service representatives.